More changes in store for the Star Wars movies

I know. Shocking. Groundbreaking. The last thing anyone would ever expect to happen.

But it’s true.

Before releasing the Star Wars saga on Blu-ray, George Lucas is making significant changes to the films.

Darth Vader becomes even more simpering. Yoda looks even less real and even more like a cartoon…and more!

see one particularly stupid change here…

and another one here…

For those who are not sci-fi geeks (or have never lived with one and been subjected to the rants), this has become a regular occurrence, much to the chagrin of thousands of (increasingly less) loyal fans. The hoopla really began when Lucas re-released the original three Star Wars movies from 1977 to 1983 with added footage and computer animation tweaks in 1997. While some changes were just to enhance background settings, others dramatically changed events, such as Han Solo’s shooting of Greedo, prompting the still-active “Han Shot First” anti-Lucas campaign.

Does anyone remember these days?...

Fans were further outraged when the “new versions” were released on DVD, not the original versions. Next came what most people see as the vastly inferior “prequel trilogy.” Then the critically panned Clone Wars animation series. Now, Lucas has announced even more changes for the Blu-ray release of all six Star Wars films.

Unfortunately, the change fans want to see, the removal of the horrible Jar Jar Binks character, will not be among the latest tinkering.

Check out someone’s hilarious take on the animation addition with Yoda here!

...and this is what the Star Wars universe has become.

While the man who created the films in the first place says his changes make the films better, others, mostly those who remember the films in their original format, say he is not making them better, he is ruining memories. The consensus is that the vision he has for his films and the way his audience wants to see and remember them have grown worlds apart.

Bottom line, like a dictator, George Lucas does not listen.

I am among the generation who remembers seeing the original Star Wars in a movie theater, on the big screen, while eating popcorn. Nothing like that had been created for the screen before, and the out-of-this-world atmosphere and effects (for the time) blew people away. These were the days before CGI animation, and I think movies were better without it.

With the changes, many of the CGI changes look cartoonish and contrast with the “live” action. Watching Yoda the CGI creation vs. Yoda the Muppet or C-3PO appearing as a South Park-quality cartoon makes watching the films now seem like watching Pete’s Dragon or Who Framed Roger Rabbit, where live actors interacted with obvious studio animation. Viewers are forced to “sith” through dramatically altered films.

I say why not “clean up” the original films, removing transfer flaws, maybe even adding some SUBTLE background scenery to enhance the frame, and then release those films onto Blu-ray, the way people actually WANT them released?

Unfortunately, the Star Wars universe has become an assembly line, where Lucasfilms is only interested in seeing how many changes can be made and how many times the movies can be squeezed for every penny. That kind of mindset destroys art and creativity quicker than anything.

I think Lucas needs to clear his head and remember why he made the movies in the first place. Maybe a spirit-cleansing Yoda class?

George has made it clear, and not always diplomatically, that these are HIS films, and he will do with them what HE wants. Great dictator thinking, but remember whose money it was that made you this rich and powerful. After all, the Emperor gets thrown down a shaft in the climax of the final film.

Being an Emperor is not always a good thing.