Margaret Cho and t.v. dinners circa 1976

stumbled across this post on Facebook and I wanted to share it.

One of the things I love about Margaret Cho is the way she can describe different events in her childhood and make you feel as if you were right there. Since we are roughly the same age, in many ways her experiences were my experiences. When she talks about songs on the radio, cartoons, or television shows, chances are they are the same ones I watched and listened to, so there is an instant connection there.

She posted this blog on Facebook this morning, so I thought I would pass it along. I had TOTALLY forgotten about the little weird cornbread puff thing in the t.v. dinners that tasted more like a dessert…I loved those! (Even though they probably consisted of some strange nuclear waste and mineral-based preservatives…but after all, that is what we were raised on.)

And yes, t.v. dinners that are nuked in the microwave are not nearly as good as the classics from the 1970s and 1980s, when they weren’t even MADE to be cooked in a microwave. And checking the calorie count and the total carbohydrates just takes all of the fun out of “pretend” food.


(These, of course, were best when eaten while watching the drunk celebrities on Match Game ’76.