Readers’ choices for the best Halloween movies

On The Telegraph’s main Facebook page, I recently asked people to share their favorite scary movies and I got some very interesting responses.

A marathon with the original Omen trilogy is a terrific way to spend Halloween!

I myself prefer my horror movies to be thought provoking, smart, and atmospheric, rather than the “jump out at you and say BOO” type. Even as a kid, I was bored with the Friday the 13th series, but was fascinated with the dark subtleties and Book of Revelation interpretations in the original three Omen movies.

Along with the expected responses to my query (The Exorcist, The Ring, Prom Night), there were some pleasant surprises.

One person said The Legend of Boggy Creek was their all-time favorite. Unbelievingly, a friend just turned me on to that film a couple of years ago. This early form of “reality television” was actually a combination of interviews interspersed with reenactments regarding the appearance of a Bigfoot-like creature in rural Arkansas. With a sense of realism throughout, the 1972 film has a couple of genuine “jump in your seat” moments. Highly recommended.

Another response I heartily agree with was their choice of the original 1980-version of The Shining. Over the years, critics blasting the movie for Jack Nicholson’s scenery-chewing performance, along with the endless parodies, have lessened its impact dramatically. BUT, I think it is an AWESOME movie, and I have always thought dark, empty hotels are SCARY as @$#*. For anyone wanting a true scare, especially if you have not seen the movie in years (or at all), watch it alone with the lights out!

The Overlook Hotel from The Shining....wion't be staying there anytime soon.

People also mentioned Rosemary’s Baby (probably my all-time favorite), Black Christmas (the original 1974 version, not the HORRIBLE remake), The Orphanage, The Changeling, and the ORIGINAL Children of the Corn. (Stephen King books always turn out the best when made into film by people OTHER than Stephen King!)

When a Stranger Calls is another classic that has lost much of its punch thanks to endless parodies, remakes and knock-offs, but if you haven’t seen it, it is another GREAT “lights out” movie.

As is The Others, a truly unsettling and old-fashioned gothic ghost story with a twist ending.

One more interesting choice was the string of horror movies made by “Bollywood” in the 1990s, including Purani Haveli, Saitani Rooh, and Kaali Raat…I have made a note to check those out and share my thoughts.

So what movies are you checking out this Halloween season? Recommendations?

4 thoughts on “Readers’ choices for the best Halloween movies

  1. The movies that scared the crap out of me were American Werewolf in London, the original Pet Semetery, and the first Nightmare on Elm Street movie.

  2. One of my most favorite is “Silver Bullet”. It was a great story, but the four main characters in the movie were portrayed by fantastic actors. I love it when Gary Busey finally believes the kids.

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