Van Halen insulted by girl band

Apparently, there is a new battle of the bands at work. Well, sorta. It seems that while both Van Halen and the cutesey-little-boy-band One Direction were staying in a Birmingham, England hotel, the way-too-pretty hair group insulted the gaudy, performance-oriented band.

“Hi! We almost make Justin Bieber look butch!”

Sorry, I need to clarify. One Direction insulted Van Halen.

Wolfgang Van Halen, Eddie Van Halen‘s son and bassist for the group, took to Twitter (whining on Twitter, how manly) and said members of One Direction were “dickheads” to Eddie, Alex and Wolfgang Van Halen in the lobby of the hotel. He did not elaborate as to exactly what was said, but the insinuation was there was some serious fun poked at the old—er, I mean “classic” rock band.

“Was just insulted by that shitty boy band One Direction,” Wolfgang tweeted.

O.K., I am the first to admit there are PLENTY of things to make fun of Van Halen for.

Eddie’s ridiculously inflated ego. Wolfgang’s name. How bad they sound without Michael Anthony. The Van Hagar years. David Lee Roth‘s hair. David Lee Roth’s glitter outfits. David Lee Roth’s high pitched squeal. David Lee Roth’s….ah, hell, let’s just say David Lee Roth.

But if someone IS going to make fun of Van Halen, especially to their faces, it needs to be someone with the cahonies to stand by the ridicule.

Tony Soprano. Pantera. The dude who works as a bouncer in the Soulard area of St. Louis during Mardi Gras with the huge arms.

It does NOT need to come from five little sissy-marys with Justin Bieber hair. Seriously, Wolfgang really should have slapped a couple of them and made them cry, getting it all on video so the boy band’s 11-year-old fans could see how sexy they are sniffling and sobbing.

I DO like Wolfgang’s final tweet though…”They must call themselves that because all of their hair points in One Direction.”

I could have come up with something much more clever, of course, but somehow I don’t think anything I tweet about One Direction will wind up as a lead story on TMZ.

3 thoughts on “Van Halen insulted by girl band

  1. We may possibly live in one of the worse decades for music ever. Auto-tuned, derivative, disposable drivel.

    1. That’s the music that’s being promoted. There are tremendous, wonderful artists out there, pushing the boundaries of sound, they just don’t have the same viral Internet pop culture publicity machine. But, yes, the immediate reflex is to agree with you.

  2. This had all the potential of a kung fu movie showdown. So disappointed. David Lee Roth used to be able to get his leg so high for no reason at all other than being so damned happy to be doing what he loved, but he couldn’t swoop in and hook kick one of these little buggers to the head. When it’s twenty years on, and no one knows who One Direction is while they’re still playing Hot for Teacher, we’ll see who’s laughing. Great article.

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